Play, work and live better!


Educational courses for individuals and small or large businesses.

Educational Courses

Office Ergonomics Education Session

An education session that is designed to be taught to groups of people in sizes from two to thirty. This session focuses on risk factors for ergonomic difficulty including position, force, and repetition. Tips to minimize the effects of these risk factors as well as tips on computer station set up will be reviewed in this 60 minute education session. This session is optimal for prevention of musculoskeletal injuries and is perfect to complement any proactive occupational health and safety program.

Handwriting for Heroes 

This is an evidence based six to eight-week hand dominancy retraining program. Through the use of daily exercises and weekly Occupational Therapy appointments the injured individual learns cursive writing with their non-dominant hand. While one of the goals is learning ability to write with the non-dominant hand there is also carryover to other daily activities that require dexterity. Referrals are appropriate for individuals with severe injuries or amputations to their dominant hand, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, or nerve injuries.

Back Care Education Session

This session is geared towards the education of industrial workers in the care of their back. Attendants of the class are educated on anatomy of the back as well as in safe lifting principles and techniques. This session is useful for any proactive Occupational Health and Safety program that wishes to minimize back injury and absenteeism caused by neck and back injury.

Other Education Sessions As Requested

Fitzpatrick’s Occupational Therapy Prof. Corp. is happy to design a course that would be specific to your liking or needs. Whether it be specific to a repetitive strain injury that is experienced in your workplace or any other medical condition that falls within the area of rehabilitation, we would be happy to design a course for your needs.




Instructors were approachable and knowledgeable. Allowing the practical component of the course to be a
significant part of the total time was appreciated as this facilitates learning.
— Course attendee

Ryan was an excellent speaker and very knowledgeable/approachable. One of the best courses I’ve been on in a while. Thank you.
— Course attendee